What is the Best REIT to Buy – The REIT That Can Make Yield Accretive Investments
Ceteris paribus, a REIT that can only make yield accretive investment is the one where div yield < leveraged asset yield. And that’s only possible when P/B >1
But it doesn't make any sense to buy something at P/B>1. Might as well go buy actual asset (if you can afford).
When P/B <1,> leveraged asset yield. Unless they make investment without raising new eqty.
Buying asset at discount is good (i.e. P/B <1).
But if REIT wants to make acquisitions and they do it via eqty raising (because they don't have enough cash), then it will bring yield down
We assume that book is asset – debt = eqty. There might be some random stuff within assets which is not the property.
So the best REIT to buy is the one that can make yield accretive investments (raise DPU across time)
1. Discount to P/B
2. Sufficient cash on book so that they do not need to raise eqty to make acquisitions
3. Gearing is low so that don’t have to raise eqty to bring gearing down in order to make acquisitions
4. Able to secure low cost of debt and high leverage
When is the Best Time to Buy REIT – When DPU will increase for the overall market
So far, we have been assuming ceteris paribus. So what is it that we have been holding constant?
1. Cost of debt
2. Amount of debt (Leverage)
3. Yield on assets
4. Capital values
Asset acquisitions may give a leveraged asset yield > dividend yield if
1. cost of debt continues to go down,
2. amount of leverage possible go up,
3. yield on new assets higher than existing assets
4. capital values going up
Capital values affect debt capacity. So when capital value go up, leverage possible can go up. Or when the credit market is looser – when banks are ready to lend more as % of asset.
Yield on assets increases when rents are expected to go up or when capital values are falling but rents are falling proportionately less because of mitigating factors such as long-term leases in place/rent escalation clauses, etc. (the latter don't hold because the capital value that matters is the price u paid for)
The best time to buy REIT is when
1. Cost of debt is expected to stay low or go lower
2. Credit environment improves – leverage % increases
3. Yield on assets are expected to go up - rents are going up
4. Capital values going up
But in circumstances where all these applies, it is generally good for any real estate stock. So you are better off buying higher beta real estate stock in this environment.
Why You Want to Buy REIT
Hence, the only reasons you want to buy REITs are
1. You want something with supposedly less volatility (REITs may not be less volatile?);
2. You have a yield objective that higher beta real estate stocks like developers can’t provide.
In the long run, you should only be able to achieve the average asset yield enhanced by the average level of leverage at the average cost of debt (aka the average leveraged asset yield)
· Because you buy REIT mainly for the income, you have to MIN[capital risk].
· Because this is a stock, not a fixed income product, you may not get back your capital at the end of the day, depending on the stock price.
· So in fact, REITs may be a less attractive proposition relative to some high-grade corporate bonds, where you face lower risk of default, better chance of getting something back if they default because you are a debtor not an equity holder, you are assured of your capital after X year and you may enjoy a higher return. Plus, your yield (DPU/your entry price) is not secured because of potential capital raising (your yield is volatile)
· The downside of bonds is that you may have no, if limited, capital upside. Movements in REIT’s share price arguably give you a capital gain component. But remember, the time when it is positive for REIT is when it is good for the general real estate sector. So buy higher beta stocks if you want to benefit from the upside. REITs are only good for income? --> I guess the other angle is to buy REITs when they are super depressed P/B wise and you buy to get an income stream while waiting for a recovery in the real estate/eqty mkt so that the share price moves up (i.e. get dividend stream when waiting) --> REIT are good in a depressed eqty mkt.
· The downside of bonds is that it is not inflation-adjusted. Rental stream of real estate arguably is. But may not be true because if you look at the rental levels of real estate, it has not been going up across time (e.g. SG office rent). However, one may say inflation is take into account using the rental escalation clauses. But this only works if you have such clauses. Such clauses do not exist for office market
Hence, a REIT may be inferior to a fixed income product. So you may want to consider corporate bonds instead.
REITs may be combined with real estate developer stock to give you a better risk/reward proposition. But in view of the above analysis, bond + developer stock may give a better risk/reward proposition. Diversification works better across asset classes (eqty + fixed income) May not work well in the same asset class and especially same industry class.
But if you still really really want to buy REITs……
When Is REALLY The Best Time to Buy REITs
Angle 1:
Given that you want to min capital risk, you need to buy in at a level where you are most unlikely to face capital dilutive issues.
Hence, you need to buy in at a level where
1. yield is sustainable,
2. leverage is sustainable,
3. cost of debt is sustainable
4. rental rates are least volatile – govt regulations involved
· So idea is not max yield but max sustainable yield.
· Buy in at a level where DPU is sustainable in the long run and expected to keep going up – Imagine a curve where DPU oscillates across time like.
· So best to buy when DPU is at a level below the average LR level and is going up. The ideal is bottom of DPU curve.
Angle 2:
Buy REITs when they are super depressed P/B wise and you buy to get an income stream while waiting for a recovery in the real estate/eqty mkt so that the share price moves up (i.e. get dividend stream when waiting)
Therefore, REITs are good in a depressed eqty mkt where you wait for the upturn.